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How to do payments with stripe checkoutLaravel


Today we learn how we made stripe checkout in larvel. I am already install laravel 8 .

Payments gateways are very useful components of any e-commerce store. One of the popular payment gateways is Stripe. it's becoming more popular nowadays.

Stripe's simple definition is :

We bring together everything that’s required to build websites and apps that accept payments and send payouts globally. Stripe’s products power payments for online and in-person retailers, subscription businesses, software platforms and marketplaces, and everything in between. ~ Stripe

To begin this laravel tutorial, I hope you already have fresh laravel repo.

Step 1 Setup Laravel project

First install laravel 8 with following command-:

composer create-project laravel/laravel:^8.0 laravel-stripe

Here 'laravel-stripe' is our project folder in which our project is installed.

After that g0 to folder and run project like this-:

cd laravel-stripe

php artisan serve

Step 2 Stripe Configuration with Laravel

Laravel provide package to integrate stripe in laravel. To install stripe package in laravel run following command.

composer require stripe/stripe-php

It will install required package in laravel for stripe.

After that you can run you laravel project with command

php artisan serve

Step 3 Configure sandbox stripe account

Stripe provide us sandbox account , which is testing environment . It is same as live environment . In sandbox account we test our payment before it goes to live.

For integration stripe we need stripe keys which -:

STRIPE_SECRET_KEY = your-stripe-secret

STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY = your-stripe-key

First to sign-up/sign-in to stripe with you gmail and add required data in account.


When account is created you will see on right side for test option. Select test option as we are using in test mode .


From this account you will get Publishable-key and Secret-key .

Add this keys in .env file of laravel.


Step 4 Integration stripe in laravel

Create routes for the files , as you see i am already created the routes for it .

First route is for products which is get on cart page.

Second is for chechout , when customer hit checkout button

Third is for succes url , when payment is made successfully . Then it will redirect to that success page.

Last is for if any payment is faild. Then it will redirect to that page.


After that i created ProductController, in which all logic is written . You can create controller with this command-:

php artisan make:controller ProductController


As you can see when we hit checkout button then i will redirect to stripe checkout page after yopu fill STRIPE_SECRET_KEY in .env file.

You can see stripe checkout page like this -:


After fill the correct details when you click pay button , if when payment is made then it will redirect to success page which is design like this you can customize it .


Here is code after payment is successfully made then it will redirect to this .


In case if payment is fail then it will redirect to fail page also you can design it accoding to your need . create_A_record

Here is code is if payment is failed it will redirect to fail route.


You can also check if paymeny made successfully or fails in stripe account



With this you can integrate stripe checkout with laravel.